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Howard Samuels : UK and Eurotour Frank 'N' Furter

Howard SamuelsWhen we asked attendees for Transylvania 1999 who they wanted to see back from the stage show productions as guests, Howard Samuels was high on the list.

A very popular Frank 'N' Furter, Howard had recently been doing his two man caberet show and many fans of Rocky had been along to see him perform. Check out the Notice Board section of the main TimeWarp site for any current shows from Howard.

Howard answered a few questions from the audience and we even let him ask a few of his own. Here are a few of the choice questions asked that day.

Griffin(Audience) "When you played Frank, why did I'm Going Home have a reggae treatment?"
(Howard Samuels) "I wanted something upbeat, the song is initially about Frank thinking he is going to see his home again."

Griffin(Audience) "Which is your favourite of Frank's songs?"
(Howard Samuels) "Sweet T is great (at which stage Howard sang the song for the audience!) I love the Charles Atlas song and of course I'm Going Home"

Griffin(Audience) "Why were you called Mr Springy at drama school?"
(Howard Samuels) "Who told you that?! It was because I'd never danced before and part of the training was to dance, I could get more elevation than anyone else so that's where the name came from. (Howard then demonstrated that particular talent, and yes he really can jump)"

Griffin(Audience) "Did any of the Audience Participation ever give you problems?"
(Howard Samuels) "When I started in Easter Europe the AP was all very like the movie version, and the audience would shout at very fixed times. As soon as I did a UK tour it was more ad libs rather than scripted AP. At one show Columbia dropped her mic and someone shouted 'She's dropped her mic', I shouted back 'A round of applause for the man with the f**king x-ray eyes' and that's how it all began."

Howard sign this please!Howard then sang us a great rendition of I'm Going Home before kindly signing a few hundred autographs for the fans.

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